Carebit is built to be secure by default. State-of-the-art, bank-grade SSL encryption is used throughout, while other best practices such as IP whitelisting, private networks, VPNs and automated checks further strengthen Carebit’s security.

We keep your practice secure
We keep your practice secure
Carebit is built to be secure by default. State-of-the-art, bank-grade SSL encryption is used throughout, while other best practices such as IP whitelisting, private networks, VPNs and automated checks further strengthen Carebit's security.

Secure infrastructure
Carebit is powered by Amazon Web Services, which is ISO27001 accredited and ensures that data is stored and processed securely.

End-to-end encryption
256-bit, bank-grade security ensures that connections to Carebit are always encrypted.

Protected by Cloudflare
Carebit’s infrastructure is protected by Cloudflare, the world’s leading and most advanced web security platform.

Carebit was designed from the beginning to be fully compliant with GDPR regulations.

Annual penetration testing & Cyber Essentials Plus
We are audited twice every year by two separate independent third party security consultancies to ensure that we are compliant with the latest security standards.

Ready to join thousands of others in improving your practice?
We’ll be in touch to show you Carebit and discuss how it can work for your practice. After the demo, we’ll set you up with your own Carebit organisation with all features enabled, so you can see the benefits for yourself.
Please note that this is not the form for patients. If you are a patient, please contact your practice for support.